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Едренкина Диана Ильгизовна11

М инистерство образования и науки Республики Башкортостан

ГАПОУ Уфимский топливно-энергетический колледж

Специальность: 15.02.07

«Machines will never replace human labor»

Научно-исследовательская конференция среди студентов 1 курсов

По итогам выполнения индивидуальных проектов

Секция «Английский язык»

Выполнил студент Глухов Максим Владимирович

Группы 1АПП-1

Руководитель проекта Едренкина Диана Ильгизовна

преподаватель английского языка

УФА - 2021 год

Table of content


What is meant by replacing a person with a robot……………….…..4

The danger of replacing human labor…………………………….…...5

Why is human labor still cheaper than machines……….....................6

Some advantages and disadvantages of innovative technologies…....8

Results of the social survey……………………………………………..11

An alternative method of replacing people with robots……………...12




Machines are increasingly replacing people in manufacturing and logistics – this is nothing new. This can be considered an established trend. The opportunities offered today by the installation of network machines and autonomous robots pose a threat of reduction for a huge number of jobs in various types of production. This is done because in the long run, such a replacement is much more profitable than human work. Within a few decades, artificial intelligence will be able to surpass us in the abilities that we believe are inherent only in humans. Professor Victor Mayer-Schonberger of Oxford University considers this the greatest challenge of our era, which can only be overcome by abandoning the rational approach.

Research goals

1. Study the topic of replacing human labor with machine labor.

2. Human labor is still cheaper than machines.

3. Some advantages and disadvantages of innovative technologies.

Research objectives

1. Study the dangers of replacing robots;

2. Find out whether a replacement is so necessary for humanity;

3. Suggest alternative ways to simplify labor in production.

Object of research

Machine manufacturing

Research methods

1. Study and analysis of the literature on the research topic

2. Sociological survey.

1. Replacing a person with a robot Back in the old days, people tried to make hard work easier by simplifying some work. They invented mechanisms of levers, built structures for the movement of huge objects. There were automatic irrigation systems for vast fields. The appearance of factories in the 18th and 19th centuries, replacing the manufactories dominated by manual labor — was the main distinguishing feature of the First Industrial Revolution; over time, factories became the main form of industrial enterprises. The development of technology does not stop today. People are still trying to make work easier by replacing people with machines. According to a study by the World Economic Forum, technology will eliminate more than five million jobs by 2020. Kevin Kelly in the book " Inevitably. 12 technological trends that determine our future" (published in the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber") told what people will do, having lost their usual work, and what human skills will be inaccessible to robots for a long time. Before the end of this century, 70% of modern professions will be automated, including the one that you are currently studying. In other words, the penetration of robots into all spheres of human life is inevitable and the replacement of human specialists by them is only a matter of time. This shift is predetermined by the second wave of automation, which focuses on artificial cognition, cheap sensors, machine learning, and distributed intelligence. Such a broad automation process will affect all types of employment, from physical to intellectual work. When people start working together with robots, their tasks will inevitably merge, and soon the work that people did will become a task for robots, and it is still difficult for us to even imagine a new job that will be in the area of responsibility of people.

2. The danger of replacing human labor

At first glance, replacing a human with a robot is a great idea. People will have more free time, parents will see their children more often and sit at work less. Robots will do all the work for them. All you have to do is push the button and production will start, and the factories will start working. But not everything is as simple as it seems.

According to a number of forecasts, many of us will lose our jobs in the coming years due to automation and the introduction of artificial intelligence. The scale of the changes is so great that the question arises - what to do with people who lose their sources of income and often their means of subsistence. There are no obvious solutions to this problem. Someone hopes that automation not only deprives people of jobs, but also creates new ones - in this case, the solution to the employment problem is retraining and constant retraining of employees. Others link the solution to the problem with the so - called Universal basic income-guaranteed payments to the entire population "for the maintenance of life".

Almost a third of the employment of the working-age population in the Russian Federation is accounted for by industry — the introduction of robots can significantly increase unemployment.

Also, robots can not only take away work from people, but also harm them physically. Right now, robots are all around us. Imagine that someone malicious (or as a "joke") takes control of your home robot. And now your own robot "hunts" for you, for example, does not let you sleep, including music and lights at night, starts the heating at full capacity on a hot day, or on the contrary, turning off the heating in the winter cold. The robot nurse slips you the wrong medications or, on the contrary, does not remind you of the need to take them in time. When asked to bring water, he brings mustard.

One of the main problems with robots is that they can make people degrade. People will stop thinking, machines will do it for them. Humanity will stop developing after such technologies.

3. Why is human labor still cheaper than machines The price of robotics far exceeds the cost of human labor, and implementation takes time. Because of this, the feasibility of its application should be considered for each specific case separately. And the machines will not work without the help of a person anyway. It should be taken into account that the dynamics of employment of workers in robotic industries in the leading countries in terms of the density of robotics shows that with an increase in the number of robots, there is also a parallel increase in the number of jobs. Robotics becomes effective when it is not a point-by-point application for individual production processes, but a whole complex process. Industrial and information technologies and systems should be integrated without human intervention. Then it will work and will be economically justified. For now, we are only talking about individual elements." Large foreign suppliers of robotics and solutions based on it for production facilities begin to come to the market only when more than a thousand complexes are sold there per year. Russia crossed this mark only in 2018. Most of all, robotics in Russia is used in the automotive industry (about 40%) and mechanical engineering. The main application area is metal cutting and welding. Then there are logistics robots for warehouse maintenance, robots in the food industry and pharmaceuticals. The robot can very quickly perform welding with extreme clarity, it is fixed motionless, the part has arrived, it has a clear algorithm: at what point at what angle and what time it is necessary to act. A person will never be able to work so quickly and accurately. But the robot needs a perfectly standard part. If there is a flaw in it, it will just stand up. The inability to achieve absolute unification of components from suppliers greatly restricts the use of robots in practice. At the same time, the successful application of robotics in industry, according to expert assessment, allows you to increase the efficiency of the operation in production by at least 40% . At the same time, the level of economic efficiency from the use of robotics in industry strongly depends on the structure of the production processes of the enterprise, as well as the social and cultural aspects of the enterprise. That is, the interaction between the main and auxiliary production, which is still the greatest difficulty.

4. Some advantages and disadvantages of innovative technologies Advantages: 1. Work that humans can do, but that robots can do more efficiently People can weave, but automated machines produce the perfect fabric at a very low cost. The only reason you can buy something made by hand today is if you want it to have a zest as a result of imperfection due to human production. However, probably few people want to have a car with a twist. It is difficult to positively assess the failed equipment when you are driving at a speed of 110 km / h on the highway, hence the logical conclusion: the less human factor in the production of cars, the better. 2. Work that humans can't do, but robots can A banal example: a person cannot make a single screw himself, while an automated mechanism is capable of producing a thousand identical screws per hour. Without the automation process, we cannot cope with the production of a single computer chip: this work requires a degree of precision, concentration, and attention that we are not naturally capable of. Similarly, no single person, or even a group of people, regardless of their level of education, is able to quickly search through all the web pages in the world and find one with the cost of eggs in Kathmandu yesterday. Every time you click on the search button, you resort to the help of a robot to do something that humans as a biological species are not capable of alone. Humans don't give robots good jobs. In most cases, they perform the one that people would never be able to cope with. Without the robots, it would have remained unfulfilled. 3. Work that people couldn't even imagine before This is the biggest advantage: today, a person with the help of robots and computer intelligence has the ability to do things that even 150 years ago could not even imagine. He can get rid of a tumor in the intestine with an operation performed through the navel, take a video of his wedding, control the rover, print a drawing on the fabric that a friend sent by email. We are dealing with a million new cases that would have confused and shocked the farmers of the 1800s. These new activities are not just things that used to be difficult to do. Rather, they belong to the category of dreams that have become reality thanks to the capabilities of machines that are able to realize them. This is the work that the machines have created. Each successful automation process encourages the creation of new jobs that we could not even imagine without the introduction of automation in our lives. Disadvantages: 1. Job losses are by far the most significant opposition often raised against the use of robots in industry. Industry workers at all levels, from entry-level workers to veterans, worry about the safety of their employment status and the ability of robots to replace them in the workplace. This panic is more common in this industry compared to others due to the closer connection between the robot and the production. 2. Macro effects is another topic that is usually associated with job loss. People who think about the "big picture" wonder how the shift in production workers will affect the national, and ultimately the global economy. How can this massive unemployment be compensated for, and how can the perceived success of robotics be limited from seeping into other industries? CNN offered an incredibly strong parallel, saying that horses versus cars are the same when comparing human workers to robots. The horse population peaked in about a century ago, as they were the main form of transport. But those numbers have been steadily declining since cars hit the mainstream. Work that does not require analytical thought is more vulnerable, because it is easier to handle the machine, and the replacement of EZ Pass operators (engaged in collecting tolls on the toll road) is a good example. 3. The increase in investment costs represents a financial counterpoint to industrial robotics, given that manufacturing companies will invest in robotic technologies. Firms that lack funding may even go bankrupt in an effort to keep up with industry trends rather than continue with normalized operating activities. 4. The elimination of an entire class of labor seems to have to happen a little further down the road, but the consequences of this moment are too great to be ignored. Hiring robots to do work for the unskilled workforce will put more pressure on the economy, the education system, and the financial market, if only a few factors are taken into account. Robots threaten to eliminate some aspects of the human population by taking over manufacturing jobs.

5. Results of the social survey

My Friends Review

64% of respondents believe that robots are one of the main inventions of mankind ;

10% believe that robots can take over the world.

90% know that robots are not capable of taking over humanity.

100% have their own robots at home.

6. An alternative method of replacing people with robots

So that humanity is not completely replaced by robots, you should start small, of course, for sensible purposes.

1. Think for yourself

If you have a problem, do not immediately go to the browser and look for the answer to the question there. With this constant action, our brain stops thinking for itself and only hopes for help from the computer.

2. Fewer gadgets

When buying a robot vacuum cleaner, it seems that it saves a lot of time, because it will clean the house for you. In fact, you just deprive yourself of unnecessary activity around the house, move less. It's the same with robots for walking dogs, washing dishes, cleaning cars, etc.

3. Don't buy anything that can hurt you

For example, you bought a surveillance camera or other surveillance device. Make sure that only you and no one else will have access to it. Otherwise, you will just be able to watch outsiders.

4. Chat with friends and family live

Talking on the phone with your grandmother or a friend is good. But it's much better to do it live. Today, all people are simply drowning in a huge flow of information. Everyone is on their phones, some at home, some on the street. People forget what normal communication is. Try, if possible, to talk to the other person not on the phone, but in the real world. You'll see how great it is.


Thus, the research goals were achieved, and we concluded that technology is great, but it is not worth abusing them. I studied the topic of replacing human labor with machine labor, the dangers of replacing robots. I found out whether a replacement is so necessary for humanity. I suggested alternative ways to simplify work in the workplace. They have their own disadvantages and dangers. Try to use your phone less often to find out the answer. Think with your head. Replacing humans with robots is a good solution. But not always. Sometimes people can handle the tasks themselves. We should not go to the extreme, forcing the whole house with the latest developments, because people have a brain, which means that robots can never replace us.


1. Книга Кевина Келли «Неизбежно».

2. Что такое автоматизация [электронный ресурс] https://trends.rbc.ru/trends/futurology/5f05ed669a7947e6e3b3ea183 .

3. Восстание машин[электронный ресурс] https://vc.ru/future/63799-otvet-ilonu-masku-vosstanie-mashin-nevozmozhno-obyasnenie-na-palcah

4. "Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств (машиностроение)"Александр Георгиевич Схиртладзе

5. "Заменят ли нас машины?" [электронный ресурс] https://www.bbc.com/russian/vert-fut-39291912

Автор материала: М. Глухов (3 курс)

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